CADRO is a graduate/post graduate level research lab in the Department of Architecture(DOA) at SKKU that focuses on Contemporary Korean (& American) Architecture and Urbanism. Contemporary Architecture and City is diverse and dynamic. The trends are many and the outputs are moving. CADRO bookends its research scope with time and location elements. Time-wise, it primarily focuses on the period of 1990~2040. Location-wise, it primarily focuses on the architecture and cities of Korea and the USA. CADRO seeks to research what has led the contemporary condition (past), and what will lead the contemporary design (future). Philosophically, CADRO seeks to enhance Confucian founding motto of SKKU, 仁義禮智 (benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom). Materially, CADRO also seeks to promote the idea of Samsung (Corporate Body of SKKU): Design by Innovation and Innovation in Design. In Summary, CADRO is a Research Lab in DOA at SKKU that focuses Contemporary Korean (& American) Architecture and Urbanism with Confucian Worldview and Innovative Design.
관  심  분  야

Research Laboratories (Academic, Corporate)
Innovation Districts in and around University Towns
Public Architecture
Architecture of Seoul, Boston, Chicago, New York, SF, and Seattle
Single Family House and Town House
학        력

1995 B.E. in Architecture, Sungkyunkwan University
2001 M.Arch. , Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2007 Registered Architect in the State of Massachusetts. (전, AIA)
약        력  /  경        력
2009~Present Department of Architecture, SKKU
2015~2016 Chairman, Department of Architecture, SKKU
2001~2009 Ellenzweig (www.ellenzweig.com)
1995~1998 Lieutenant, Republic of Korea Air Force